
Just Growing Up Beautifully!


Celebrating my niece's marriage

Big Papa

Big Papa
We don't need no stinkin' snow plow!


A family that plays (in the snow) together!



NYC trip with the girls!

NYC trip with the girls!
Sisters and Friends

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Isaiah 58:11

Am I good enough?  In the nakedness of my thoughts, I keep tossing this question around.  It’s damning because the answer is so subjective. I’m not begging the question based on any one thing or job or relationship in particular.  I’m asking this one question of myself as I relate to the whole of the universe.  No way is that fair of me to me. In the big picture realm where religion meets philosophy and ideology, I probably don’t measure up. Knowing how vast and full of knowledge and information the world is, how could I be good enough.  That’s why Christ died, right.  Because in the beginning, man didn’t realize  that the knowledge of good and evil would lead to self loathing and perversion and doubt and fear and ultimately death.  Now, in the context of a job I applied for, my response is an overwhelming yes.  I am good enough.  As it relates to writing and blogging and turning ideas into action, the answer is, once again, yes.  I am good enough.  When it comes to being a wife and a mom and a family member, I believe the answer is that I am worthy and capable and able.  It’s not that I’m so full of character and wisdom and fairness and righteousness.  I am full of love.  I love God, I love myself and I love my family and friends. But even that isn’t what makes me good enough.  It’s knowing that I was created by God for good.  I was created with His purpose in mind, whether I’m aware of it at this time or not.  I don’t have to know the order or even the steps for God to do what He will with, for and through me.   I will submit that the love I’m filled with brings me to a place of feeling like I can.  Deciding whether I’m good enough or not really does depend on the circumstances or the situation.  But, in the big picture of this thing called life, I think the best of all of us comes out when we know and believe in something outside of and bigger than ourselves.  Some call it the creator, others call it the power of the universe.  I call Him God, and I know that in my unworthiness and in my feelings of not being good enough and in my disbelief is where I am made worthy and good.  It’s in the moments that I wrestle with my junk that God can really get in there and build me up. 

FIll my cup Lord,
I Lift it Up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting in my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me til I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole *

*Richard E. Blanchard, Sr. (1925-2004)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19

 New dress, new shoes, new hair and even a new line of make up all because...we want something different...SOMETHING NEW.  When we want a change, we make a change....unless it's in our spiritual life.  Many of us have gotten into this comfort zone that's making our relationship with God....BLAH.  What's so odd is that when other relationships are....BLAH, we happily look for ways to invigorate them...to reinvent them...to breath new life into them so that all parties involved might be better served in the relationship.  That's the way it supposed to be.  If something is not working, or maybe it's fundamentally working, but you aren't as fulfilled as you once were, then make a change.  I grew up in the Baptist church and can, to this day, tell you the rules and regulations (written, spoken and understood) of the Missionary Baptist church.  But, when what I grew up with wasn't enough anymore, I sought something new.  I think back to my first introduction to the Episcopal church, the kids I was working with at the time probably had a lot to do with my shift.  I was working with high school kids as a college volunteer with Young Life (an outreach organization committed to introducing high school kids to Christ), and I was the Youth Director at Grace Mission Church, in the Frenchtown neighborhood of Tallahassee, FL.  Both jobs were so full of life and energy.  I was stretched and engaged and energized in ways I hadn't experienced before.  Taking kids to camp for the first time in their lives and meeting regularly with them to discuss the bible and how much God loved them was EPIC.  I was also having bible studies with like minded twenty something's who were thirsty for more.  Then, another shift happened.  I got a new television job and a new life and in all of the newness, I got into a rut with God.  I was making it to church on Sundays but more out of a sense of guilt or obligation instead of a longing to worship and praise God.  I would go to check the box.  I read and studied less because my life wasn't evolving around God and kids, but was busy with my new work.  Fast forward to marriage and kids of my own and a new reliance on God took hold.  Even in that, I still find myself needing to do more in my efforts to BE WITH AND GET TO KNOW GOD.  I know I'm loved in that relationship and nothing can separate me from that love, but I still look for new ways to say I love you, too.  Wanting something new in an old relationship doesn't mean the relationship is dying.  It means you're growing, and out of that growth comes MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER THINK OR IMAGINE..(A PATHWAY IN THE WILDERNESS AND RIVERS IN THE WASTELAND!)  Sometimes it's hard to know what to do.  God meets us where we are.  He'll show us.  Just make sure we have eyes to see and a heart to understand what we're being called to do. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vulnerability...My Foot Washing Story

You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.   John 13:13-14

I participated in a Holy Week Maundy Thursday foot washing ceremony when I was in college.  I was mortified.  I have bad feet, and anyone who has seen them knows I’m not exaggerating (I CALL YOU FRIEND:O)  I get pedicures and keep my heels soft, but the hammer toe damage from days gone by is pretty extensive.  SN:  I knew Dale was going to be my husband when he said he liked my feet:o) 
For me to participate in a ceremony where someone....washes my feet... was a moment where I was vulnerable, scared, trusting and faithful.  I was open and revealed in, what many would consider to be, a simple foot washing ceremony.  I was able to experience God in a way that was very difficult and freeing all in one moment.  I trusted the friend who washed my feet to be with me in that moment with no judgement or ridicule.  I trusted God to make me whole even with my battered and worn feet.  In this Lenten season, I want to consciously trust God to pull back the layers that I hide behind; to reveal himself to me concretely.  I want to be vulnerable as I seek to be set apart for God’s use. 
What’s your foot washing experience?  Maybe it’s literally that or maybe it’s another moment when you , like me, had to really open up yourself and be stretched to see, feel and know God.  Prayerfully, you too are seeking God and making yourself vulnerable  so that your cup might be filled.  LIFT IT UP...and expect it to runneth over. 
Whether you give up or take on something this Lenten season is your choice.  The goal is to intentionally be more like Christ every day... all the time.  For me,  giving up alcohol and meat and SOME Facebook time or taking on a more rigid running schedule and website building project are just my concentrated efforts at a life of discipline in order to be more like and closer to Christ.  For me, it’s a period of sacrifice.  I wish you well during this time leading up to Easter or Resurrection Sunday.  If you call him Lord and Teacher, then look for moments to wash one another’s feet. 


Friday, February 8, 2013

Sweethearts of the bride..
Trips...talks....cries...confessions... Girlfriends are sisters we weren't born with but chose as our special girls.  As I look at this picture, I confess that 4 of them are no longer an active part of my life.  One by design and one because the circumstances dictated.  The other two....well....I'm still figuring out what happened.  The flip side is that I'm closer to some of the ladies in the picture now.  And, some of my sweethearts aren't in the picture:o)  You know, we live, learn and we grow.  We make mistakes in our relationships and hope the relationships can bounce back.  Most do.  Some cannot. I've told my husband that I see how spouses become best friends, if they weren't before they got married.  When the girlfriends hurt and disappoint (myself included), husbands listen as we lament.  Relationships evolve.  That doesn't negate the hurts or the longings.  That just makes us realize that we are fallible.   Some of the most precious moments and most difficult moments have been shared with girlfriends.  Am I a good friend?  Do I call often enough?  Does she know that, NO MATTER WHAT, I have her back?  Sigh....It's difficult, at best, sometimes to be the kind of friend for which we pray.  What I know is this....I miss my girlfriends.  I love my girlfriends.  I have been defined, enhanced, corrected and protected by them.  A part of me exists because of my experiences with them. Life is different now for sure, but what it was with you, girlfriend, will never be replaced.  If anything, I hope we continue to grow TOGETHER. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Powered by Purpose...

Still so much to get done.  The move was pushed back to March 1st for me and Grace, which means it will be just a little longer until my family is together permanently.  Even in that, we were able to find a better (for us) house than the one that fell through causing the push back. I KNOW THAT WAS GOD. I look around the South Carolina house and am amazed that I've been able to be in this moving mess without losing my mind.  I typically like order and organization and don't do well in mess (desk, car, life); my closet is a different story (on which I'm constantly working:o)  Being in mess for a bit has been tolerable because I know what's on the other side... LOVE, FAMILY, TOGETHERNESS, OPPORTUNITIES, PURPOSE. 

On another note...I'm a nervous flyer and have decided to own that.  Really, I just don't like the extreme turbulence and shaky landings:o)  I normally grab my husband's hand when he's with me.  I grab the cold, hard arm rest when he's not.  I often think of my mortality when flying and of my faith.  I say my prayers before, during and after the flight, and I wonder if the exhibited fear means I trust God less with my life in the air than on the ground.  The flip side is that I am reminded of God amongst the clouds and the horizon.  A work in progress...

Psalm 71:1-6

1 In you, O LORD, have I taken refuge; *
let me never be ashamed.
2 In your righteousness, deliver me and set me free; *
incline your ear to me and save me.
3 Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe; *
you are my crag and my stronghold.
4 Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, *
from the clutches of the evildoer and the oppressor.
5 For you are my hope, O Lord GOD, *
my confidence since I was young.
6 I have been sustained by you ever since I was born;
from my mother's womb you have been my strength; *
my praise shall be always of you. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Powered by Purpose...

(Jason Nelson's "Shifting the Atmosphere")

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1

The house is sick, and that is, unfortunately, what led to me sitting still long enough to have some quiet time and write a bit.  Between Grace's runny nose and my stomach bug, we are home bound today.  During my quiet time, I read a forward from my sister.  It was Joel Osteen's daily reading, and it talked about "the Shift".  I've talked about it with worldly folks in terms of the book "The Tipping Point."  The idea is that it only takes "that one thing"...a shared idea, a conversation with a friend who has a friend or someone telling someone else how AWESOME YOU ARE to put you over the top or to help a person, place, thing or idea "trend".  God doesn't need any of those events to "shift" your circumstances, but HE certainly uses them.  Some of us are waiting for a shift in our marriages or significant relationships; others for a shift in our kids attitudes; some desperately need a shift in our careers. Some of us simply need to know God is there, and may not even be aware of the needed shift.  That's okay too.  Whatever it is, trust God! Lord, I believe...help my unbelief.


NYC trip with the girls

NYC trip with the girls
Friends for 25+ years

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)
Family Love

Husband and Wife!

Husband and Wife!
Til Death Do We Part

Thank you God:o)

Thank you God:o)
So Blessed!


Hold the Pose :o)

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!
Choo choo!!!!


We are Family!

A New Me

A New Me
Yeah, I'm digging my new kinky twists:o)


It's Christmas Eve and I got some plats in my hair

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party
New and fast friends with Denise Williams and Shonna Williams

Good Friday!

Good Friday!

St. Simons Island

St. Simons Island
A rainy day at the beach is still a day at the beach!

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Marshmallow Anyone?!

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Hi Little Pony

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Where are the eggs?!

Happy Holidays Are Here Again

Happy Holidays Are Here Again
Let's get ready for Santa!

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA
I'm ready mommy!

Afternoon Art

Afternoon Art
Yes! Grace is Awesome!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Happy holidays are here again!


See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

Play day with Corrin

Play day with Corrin
You stopped our fun for ANOTHER picture:o) (Grace and Corrin)

Yummy Goodness

Yummy Goodness
Homemade Applesauce...YUMMY!

Christmas last year

Christmas last year
She's grown so much in a year and The blocks say it all....JOY!

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas
Who knows...

Trayvon Martin's Mother

Trayvon Martin's Mother
Sabryna Fulton, Trayvon Martin's Mother, continues to fight for justice

Date Night!

Date Night!
A Southern Girl sees Frankie Beverly for the first time!

Tea Party!

Tea Party!
All we need is our princess costumes!

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
We Are One!

Thankgiving day preps!

Thankgiving day preps!
Sifting flour like an old pro:o)


Learning early!

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun
Pumkin for candy (check)!


Grace and Tiana along for voting support!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
A little Merry Go Round with Daddy!

Sunday Best!

Sunday Best!

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)
Right there, daddy!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
In the Garden

ATL Classic

ATL Classic
My little Rattler!

Rattler Girl!

Rattler Girl!
Let's Go Rattlers!

And it's Good!

And it's Good!
Chip Away Gracie:o)

End of Summer

End of Summer
Sissy goes back to grad school

A walk in the clouds:o)

A walk in the clouds:o)
Flowers for mommy!

A school kid waiting to happen!

A school kid waiting to happen!
My Baby and my backpack!

A little beach time for Miss Grace

A little beach time for Miss Grace
Life is Just Beachy:o)

Fun times!

Fun times!

Two girls at lunch

Two girls at lunch

Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace!
Ever present!

Twinkle Toes!

Twinkle Toes!
That tickles :o)

So Hoppy!

So Hoppy!

Mother's Day at the beach

Mother's Day at the beach
The best Sand Box Ever!

It's Grace and her God Oni with Mommy

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

Let's have some fun!

Let's have some fun!
Cousin Mya ROCKS!

Team Wesson

Team Wesson
Mother's Day 2012-Amelia Island, FL

Just taking a moment

Just taking a moment
Church was good!

Post Church Excitement!

Post Church Excitement!
Jumping Bean:o)

Arms wide open!

Arms wide open!
I love you thiiiiiissssss much!

Team Mommy!

Team Mommy!
Grace is ALL in :o)

Sunday in Pensacola!

Sunday in Pensacola!
I'm ready!

Me and my Grace!

Me and my Grace!
Let's have some fun:o)

The first day of Spring!

The first day of Spring!
Sunshine..Butterflies... and flowers:o)

A new friend!

A new friend!
Grace and Jayda

Two Peas in a Pod!

Two Peas in a Pod!

A family that smiles together!

A family that smiles together!

A fashionista for sure!

A fashionista for sure!

Birthday Girl!

Birthday Girl!

Giving daddy the tickets

Giving daddy the tickets
I'm a winner!

Hello Kitty:o)

Hello Kitty:o)
A colorful morning indeed!

Sunday Cute!

Sunday Cute!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day
Starting off right!

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Under the Christmas Tree

Under the Christmas Tree


cold weather isn't going to stop me!

Daddy and Grace in Charleston

Daddy and Grace in Charleston
Oh Christmas Tree!

Me and my sissy!

Me and my sissy!
yep....we're just hanging out !

Grace and Granny Rose

Grace and Granny Rose
I'm with my Granny!

My sister did it!

My sister did it!
Smurf Grace!

SC State Fair

SC State Fair
Merry go round and family fun!

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round
Not sure how I feel about this!

My little pumpkin is growing up!

My little pumpkin is growing up!
Is candy involved in this Trunk or Treat?

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Merry Christmas Mommy

This was a hard and wonderful year

This was a hard and wonderful year
Family for Sure

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Me and my baby!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!
...and my other baby!

"G" is for Grace!

"G" is for Grace!

Ready for Church

Ready for Church
Say Cheese

G and Me

G and Me

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

A moment of Grace

A moment of Grace

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee
Strike, Strike and Strike Again!

Backyard Fun in the Pool

Backyard Fun in the Pool
Water play wears me out!

Hammock Love

Hammock Love
Daddy's Girl...and he knows it:o)

Chillin' in Charleston

Chillin' in Charleston

My little lady is almost 2:o)

My little lady is almost 2:o)
Hi mommy!

Ready for church

Ready for church

The foreground to my background!

The foreground to my background!

Lunch with the ladies

Lunch with the ladies

A little lady takes a rest!

A little lady takes a rest!
Climbing stairs can be tiring :o)

Is it football season yet?

Is it football season yet?
A tale of two teams


Say cheese!


It's a family affair!


Daddy's baby


Hi Mommy!


Grace and Granny Rose

Barrancas National Cemetary

Barrancas National Cemetary
Grace and Patriotism

Baby Grace

Baby Grace
Isn't she lovely!

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins
The ladies!

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)
Sisters Unite!


Summer's end

Figuring it out!

Figuring it out!

a moment of Grace

a moment of Grace

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons
Mommy...more clothes than usual?

I'm still standing :o)

I'm still standing :o)
But I'll be walking soon!

Pretty in pink, duh!

Pretty in pink, duh!

I "heart you" mommy!

I "heart you" mommy!

Day one!

Day one!
I'm resting up for you world!

Sunday, October 3rd

Sunday, October 3rd
Grace and Grandpa