
Just Growing Up Beautifully!


Celebrating my niece's marriage

Big Papa

Big Papa
We don't need no stinkin' snow plow!


A family that plays (in the snow) together!



NYC trip with the girls!

NYC trip with the girls!
Sisters and Friends

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This weekend will be extremely busy.  One of my oldest and dearest friends is getting married in Atlanta, GA, and I'm in the wedding.  Seeing as how I was just out of town this past weekend, I've spent the last couple of days in a tizzy.  Today....I declared a state of calm.  Even in the midst of making breakfast, running errands, washing and packing clothes, getting in a workout,  making lunch, tending to a 2 year old with a bad cough, checking email, writing, planning church committee meetings, sending emails, searching the blogs, taking phone calls, making phone calls, making dinner, giving a bath and taking a moment for mom....I willed calm into my space.  There were a couple of moments where I could have considered myself overwhelmed...but I wanted calm and prayed for calm and remained calm.  Sometimes it's all we can do to stay calm when things all around us are busy.  For many of us, busy is where we dwell.  We're busy at work and busy at home and busy in our minds and hearts and spirits.  People ask us how we've been and we say....busy.  It's an identifier of sorts.  The busyness is often necessary in this world we live in but to remain calm in the midst of this busy world....that's God.  It's that peace that passes all understanding.  Just as Jesus calmed the wind and raging waters even as the disciples declared there demise, so He calms me.  Lord, I believe; Help my unbelief.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


First definition: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
In this moment, I'm tired.  It's mostly fatigue from the wear and tear of the day, but there's a bit of "I'm a little out of sorts" kind of tired, too.  The first one is an easy fix of a hot shower and a good night's rest.  The second...not so much.  Thus, the high points of perseverance...steady in purpose in spite of....discouragement.  If I keep moving, I'll get there.  If I don't give up, I'll reach my goal.  As I've said before, I'm trying to focus and pray and sacrifice and live in want and change....It's a lot (for me), and it's no wonder that with such lofty goals, I'd hit a wall.  But, that's no reason not to stay the course.  I sit here a little distracted and unable to focus, but the second definition is too important not to share.

Second definition:  Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.
I'm walking in favor.  I'm more than my circumstances or feelings.  I know that the light of day will bring with it some restoration.  I just have to be encouraged and stay the course;  And I don't have to move quickly....STEADY.  Lord, I believe; Help my unbelief.


Monday, February 27, 2012


I've been thinking about taking artificial sweeteners out of my diet.  I've only been off meat for 6 days, but my mind says I feel better. My hope is that my body will follow.  It's that euphoria that happens when a drastic or major change takes place, and I want more of it.  You know, it's like the friend we all have who learns something new and they won't stop talking about it; or the new parent who suddenly knows everything about raising kids or....my favorite....the new Christian who can't stop...won't stop....talking about Jesus and how awesome he is.  You know....that "this feels good and I want more of it"....change.  Some forms of change are more difficult than others, but once you make the effort...There seems to be no going back or at the very least, things shift.
Have I been held back by meat or artificial sweeteners?  Will consistently taking them out of my diet make me a better version of myself? I say maybe....maybe not; my husband weighs in with an outright no (per our debate/discussion of the issue).  He says (and it's some truth to it) that what defiles the body is not what goes in but what come out. Perhaps... but I do believe the effort to change some things that could be keeping me from soaring are worth a try.  So it is with my faith...Changing some bad habits or outright sinful behavior can be difficult at best.  But, not putting forth the effort to shift the paradigm is a lot more damaging in the long run (so say I).  If I think about ALL the change that needs to or certainly could occur in my life, I get overwhelmed.  When I (with God's help) make changes that matter, bit by bit, I get encouraged.  Change is constant.  Thus, I want to effect positive change in my life and not be so affected by negative change always happening around me. 


Sunday, February 26, 2012


This morning when Grace woke up, she realized that she was in her hotel bed alone.  She quickly went to get out and join me and her daddy in the next bed.  Keep in mind, this bed is close to 4 feet off the ground and Grace is a little over 3 feet tall.  So, she sits up, turns onto her stomach with her feet dangling off the side of the bed and eases down...inch....by....inch.  She has no means by which to assess how far away from the floor she really is.  Her little 2 year old self doesn't have the capacity to measure distances and such.  Yet, she continues to ease out of the bed....never looking down....until her feet hit the floor.  And after that, she doesn't look at what just happened in awe of herself; she doesn't ponder how she did that or belt out one of her notable "YAY's".  She hits the ground and runs to us yelling, "Mommy, Daddy". 
Trust....she wanted to get to her parents, her representation of safety and love.  She just got down and came running.  She trusted that her feet would hit the ground and that all would be fine as she made her way to us...
I want to hit the ground running (as they say).  I want to TRUST like that.  I want to trust my relationships. I want to trust my instincts.  I want to trust God...unequivocally.  Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.


Saturday, February 25, 2012


"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. --Apostle Paul

The secret...Contentment can be so elusive that even Apostle Paul, one of the most committed to Jesus (once converted), found it to be difficult to attain.  What is it about not wanting just what we have or should I say not being satisfied in that state whatever it is?  If we learn to be okay in want, surely we can be okay in plenty....NOT....we want in want and we want in plenty.  I think it's not being tapped in to the source of fulfillment.   I watched Tyler Perry's Good Deeds today and thought about how great it would be to live in that much plenty....even as the character struggled with it. We each have our level of "I have so much, but I want so much more.'  I think that's another reason I like to give up something during Lent.  It allows me to want for something but to be okay because I'm reaching beyond myself to fulfill that want.  It's not easy...I've only been going without some of my guilty pleasures for a few days, and I miss them.  I miss them.  But, whether in want or in plenty, I WANT to be content.  I believe...Lord help my unbelief.


Friday, February 24, 2012


"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"--Augustine
I want to live as if I really believe that.  I believe God loves me....but...(fill in the blank).
If I walked in  that vast ideal of love daily, how different would my life be?  What would I do less?  What would I do more?  I think that's a starting point for me....not just acknowledging that love ...yeah yeah God, I know you love me...but ACCEPTING that love....thank you Lord for loving me as much as you do.  I accept it, and I love you too... AND I know nothing can separate me from your love.   I'm trying to get there....I believe...Lord help my unbelief....


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm praying to God for clarity...really sensing a breakthrough on the horizon.  I have several projects that I'm working on and need the clarity of thought, word and deed to put pen to paper and finish up as well as make some phone calls.  I know the power that lives within in me because of WHOSE I am. I say that while thinking, Lord help my unbelief.  Hopefully as Lent goes on, I'll be more specific because it will be undoubtedly clear what God would have me do...FIRST!  As much as I've accomplished in life from being a career woman to marrying and starting a family and striving to be successful at all of it, I really believe I'm at a starting point.  I suppose it's a different place in the journey....a road of discernment.  I'm excited and full of expectation.. If I'm honest, there's also a bit of trepidation. 


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I LENT it to God and....I don't want it back!

One of my favorite times of the year, as a Christian, is the season of Lent.  In part it's because it leads up to Easter, my favorite Holy day.  But, the bigger picture is probably that I, like millions of Catholics, Anglicans and even Baptists fixate (focus is probably a better sounding word) on my relationship with God.  It's a time that through prayer, penance, repentance and my favorite...self denial...I attempt to grow closer to God in anticipation of Holy Week.  So, now that the Wikipedia version has been shared, how about my truth.  Grace and I went to Ash Wednesday service at noon to get our symbol of the cross placed on our foreheads.  I kept thinking...What of my ragged self will I give to God in these coming weeks in hopes of some sort of exchange. God, I give you my will in exchange for your bigger WILL; I give you my bad habits of over indulgence in an effort to be more like you; I give you my sins and hope to be made whole because of your son's death, burial and resurrection.  I know...this is why some of my Christian friends don't like the concept of Lent and don't actively give up or take on anything....because these are the things we should be doing in our relationships with God anyway.  I guess, for me, it's a time to recall how Jesus spent time in the wilderness praying and even being tempted by Satan before he set out to do public ministry.  It's a strengthening session....my Christian version of a Tony Robbins seminar where I'm encouraged to hit my peak performance as a lover of Jesus by following a tried and true plan of fasting, praying and giving up some things that I really enjoy in my worldliness...all in an effort to love him with all that I am and to love my neighbor as myself.  It sounds so simple, yet, it's a daily struggle.  Be in the struggle.  Whether it's about Lent for you or a way of daily living-as it should be- remember whose you are, recommit yourself to that identity and that relationship and renew your willingness to take up your cross and follow Him.


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Not unlike those of previous generations and many of you,  I have a growing list of "I remember exactly what I was doing when that happened."  As of last night, while spending time with my husband after putting my daughter to bed, "when Whitney Houston died" was added to that list.  Death is inevitable.  But that sometimes feels like the least of it.  It's tragic.  It's sad.  It's hurtful.  It's hard to understand.  It evokes compassion, sensitivity, sympathy and even empathy.  Those feelings are compounded when someone is taken "before their time."  I never met Whitney Houston and fortunately, that's not a prerequisite for acknowledging her talent, admiring her accomplishments and admonishing her demons.  There have been words of encouragement posted all over Face Book, fans have linked us to you- tube videos of some of her most popular and powerful works. I have thought about and relived some of my favorite Whitney Houston moments including, but not limited to, being a 12 year old girl singing along to "How Will I Know"and wishing I could have her pop style, including the bad big hair,  in the "Oh I Wanna Dance With Somebody" video.  Tears have been shed by many and for some, it's been a reminder that--- as the old folks say---Whitney has done what we all have to do.  We've had to face the reality that money, fame, notoriety...none of that makes us exempt.  Hopefully, we've taken time to sit with, talk to, care for and love on our family.  One of my biggest thoughts in the past 18 hours is that Bobbi Kristina, Whitney Houston's daughter with Bobby Brown, doesn't have a mother anymore.  I first felt that pain 11 years ago and it continues....it doesn't go away.  The worst of mothers are missed and longed for when they leave this world.  With all that the media has said about Whitney Houston through the years, I have no reason to believe that she didn't love her daughter....They say there's no love like a mother's love...and with that, my heart hurts for that 18 year old young woman.  She (Bobbi Kristina) has had her share of media headlines and now, she's in the biggest headline of her life so far.  My prayers certainly go out to her and to Whitney's mother, who now has to bury her daughter...a task that no parent ever hopes or imagines they'll have to do.
The Grammy's will air, tributes will continue, the truth behind her death, or as much of it as we'll ever know, will come out and we will live on.  That is not a bad thing even if it sounds crass.  The hope is that we'll live on with a bigger appreciation for life....a more grateful heart for the many blessings that we (I) take for granted...and with the understanding that we are mere mortals here on this earth but for a short time...prayerfully, with the intent to live out a purposeful life destined by God.  Or at the very least, doing the best we can in each moment that we are given.  May the soul of Whitney Houston and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace... Amen...Amen...Amen.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


WELL...The fallout begins! Oddly enough, it says he's out "for the time being". WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I hope they weren't looking for a reason and found it! I still haven't seen any apologies from Roland...but they will come before he returns to air on CNN. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


Dr. Cornel West vs. Al Sharpton...Oh Boy!

IN THE PAST, I was a real fan of Dr. Cornel West. NOW....Not so much. I would have thought, based on what I've read as far as his early works, and his Christian background that he'd be more supportive of progressive African-Americans. I've never been a big fan of Al Sharpton, nor am I familiar with the latest victim of Dr. West's attacks, BUT his aggression against President Obama left a very bitter taste for both him and Brother Tavis Smiley. It seems to me as if Dr. West isn't getting the attention he believes he deserves for his efforts then and now. As a result, I believe he is coming across as a rabble rouser. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


Friday, February 3, 2012

Komen Foundation Reverses Decision to End Funding to Planned Parenthood..***UPDATE TO LAST POST***

The wheel that squeaks gets the oil....My dad used to always say that when teaching me and my 5 brothers and sisters about speaking up for ourselves in an effort to let our position be known or effect change.  Apparently, it's true.  The Susan G. Komen For the Cure Foundation has decided to continue funding existing grants associated with Planned Parenthood.  The Foundation put out a statement Friday.  "We want to apologize to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women's lives," ..."We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities."
Well, pressure on that side and of course pressure on this side....While many who cried foul initially are pleased with the recent turn of events, some are still dissatisfied with Komen's decision.  Lawmakers were rallying before and now a different group of lawmakers are rallying.  IT DOESN'T END, and as the old saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time.  So, I don't think this is about victory or defeat so much as Komen realizing that the changes it attempted to make at this time were not in the best interest of the organization down the road.  It's certainly a life lesson to be learned... be it on our jobs, in school, even in our relationships.  If something doesn't settle well with you and you believe you're right....speak up....because quite often it is true....the wheel that squeaks gets the oil. 

Side note:  I know my dad is having a good chuckle because I learned that lesson some time back:o)


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Planned Parenthood vs. Komen Foundation....Pick a side or don't....but take a stand...

There's a discussion going on about the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation recently announcing that it was ending its funding to Planned Parenthood (PP).  Yes, PP offers abortions; let's go ahead and get that part out of the way.  But, it also offers breast cancer screenings and exams to women, who might not otherwise be able to afford them, at minimal or no cost.  PP believes Komen gave in to pressure from anti-abortion groups.  While the "why" of it all may be relevant, there are other issues I want to mention.  Many people support the efforts of PP and agree that the services offered are necessary.  Others believe that Margaret Sanger, the founder of what was then the American Birth Control League and is now PP, founded the organization in support of eugenics, an effort to supposedly improve the genetic make up of certain people by using certain practices, such as abortion, sterilization and birth control. It's even been said that the goal was to outright wipe out certain groups of people.  While that's certainly valuable information to know in terms of history, one has to ask if that's indeed the mission of PP today.  The other question is, should women who rely on breast exams and annuals and even birth control from PP be penalized because of whatever political pressure the Komen Foundation finds itself under?  Now, it's my understanding that PP will launch a breast health emergency fund to help ensure that their offices across the nation are able to continue the valuable services.  But, at almost $700,000 in grant money last year from Komen,  a dent in PP's budget for those services will certainly be felt.
Granted, the decision was made by Komen late last year, but the announcement was only made yesterday.  I'm guessing Komen knew there was going to be a split among its supporters.  I have run and volunteered at the Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure a time or two myself.  The use of the pink ribbon, as an international symbol of breast cancer awareness, is connected with the Komen foundation giving them out at its 1991 New York race.  Both organizations have a storied history and both offer what some would call invaluable services.  Do the efforts of one cancel out the efforts of the other?  Most would answer no, but there is a divide.  Some feel that the latest efforts by the Komen foundation take away from its mass appeal as an organization open to the diversity and differing opinions that make up this nation and world.  As a result, they essentially support PP.  Others feel that their pro-life rights are more important than any other rights and thus, support Komen for no longer backing PP, whatever the reasons.
I certainly appreciate the dialogue and the freedom to speak on the issue.  It's Black History Month, and as a part of this country's history, I wouldn't have been able to have opinions, let alone write them down.  So, take a side or don't take a side, but do take a stand for something that matters to you and will ultimately help someone else... and possibly make this world a better place.  I think that should be the ultimate goal.


NYC trip with the girls

NYC trip with the girls
Friends for 25+ years

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)
Family Love

Husband and Wife!

Husband and Wife!
Til Death Do We Part

Thank you God:o)

Thank you God:o)
So Blessed!


Hold the Pose :o)

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!
Choo choo!!!!


We are Family!

A New Me

A New Me
Yeah, I'm digging my new kinky twists:o)


It's Christmas Eve and I got some plats in my hair

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party
New and fast friends with Denise Williams and Shonna Williams

Good Friday!

Good Friday!

St. Simons Island

St. Simons Island
A rainy day at the beach is still a day at the beach!

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Marshmallow Anyone?!

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Hi Little Pony

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Where are the eggs?!

Happy Holidays Are Here Again

Happy Holidays Are Here Again
Let's get ready for Santa!

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA
I'm ready mommy!

Afternoon Art

Afternoon Art
Yes! Grace is Awesome!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Happy holidays are here again!


See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

Play day with Corrin

Play day with Corrin
You stopped our fun for ANOTHER picture:o) (Grace and Corrin)

Yummy Goodness

Yummy Goodness
Homemade Applesauce...YUMMY!

Christmas last year

Christmas last year
She's grown so much in a year and The blocks say it all....JOY!

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas
Who knows...

Trayvon Martin's Mother

Trayvon Martin's Mother
Sabryna Fulton, Trayvon Martin's Mother, continues to fight for justice

Date Night!

Date Night!
A Southern Girl sees Frankie Beverly for the first time!

Tea Party!

Tea Party!
All we need is our princess costumes!

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
We Are One!

Thankgiving day preps!

Thankgiving day preps!
Sifting flour like an old pro:o)


Learning early!

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun
Pumkin for candy (check)!


Grace and Tiana along for voting support!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
A little Merry Go Round with Daddy!

Sunday Best!

Sunday Best!

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)
Right there, daddy!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
In the Garden

ATL Classic

ATL Classic
My little Rattler!

Rattler Girl!

Rattler Girl!
Let's Go Rattlers!

And it's Good!

And it's Good!
Chip Away Gracie:o)

End of Summer

End of Summer
Sissy goes back to grad school

A walk in the clouds:o)

A walk in the clouds:o)
Flowers for mommy!

A school kid waiting to happen!

A school kid waiting to happen!
My Baby and my backpack!

A little beach time for Miss Grace

A little beach time for Miss Grace
Life is Just Beachy:o)

Fun times!

Fun times!

Two girls at lunch

Two girls at lunch

Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace!
Ever present!

Twinkle Toes!

Twinkle Toes!
That tickles :o)

So Hoppy!

So Hoppy!

Mother's Day at the beach

Mother's Day at the beach
The best Sand Box Ever!

It's Grace and her God Oni with Mommy

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

Let's have some fun!

Let's have some fun!
Cousin Mya ROCKS!

Team Wesson

Team Wesson
Mother's Day 2012-Amelia Island, FL

Just taking a moment

Just taking a moment
Church was good!

Post Church Excitement!

Post Church Excitement!
Jumping Bean:o)

Arms wide open!

Arms wide open!
I love you thiiiiiissssss much!

Team Mommy!

Team Mommy!
Grace is ALL in :o)

Sunday in Pensacola!

Sunday in Pensacola!
I'm ready!

Me and my Grace!

Me and my Grace!
Let's have some fun:o)

The first day of Spring!

The first day of Spring!
Sunshine..Butterflies... and flowers:o)

A new friend!

A new friend!
Grace and Jayda

Two Peas in a Pod!

Two Peas in a Pod!

A family that smiles together!

A family that smiles together!

A fashionista for sure!

A fashionista for sure!

Birthday Girl!

Birthday Girl!

Giving daddy the tickets

Giving daddy the tickets
I'm a winner!

Hello Kitty:o)

Hello Kitty:o)
A colorful morning indeed!

Sunday Cute!

Sunday Cute!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day
Starting off right!

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Under the Christmas Tree

Under the Christmas Tree


cold weather isn't going to stop me!

Daddy and Grace in Charleston

Daddy and Grace in Charleston
Oh Christmas Tree!

Me and my sissy!

Me and my sissy!
yep....we're just hanging out !

Grace and Granny Rose

Grace and Granny Rose
I'm with my Granny!

My sister did it!

My sister did it!
Smurf Grace!

SC State Fair

SC State Fair
Merry go round and family fun!

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round
Not sure how I feel about this!

My little pumpkin is growing up!

My little pumpkin is growing up!
Is candy involved in this Trunk or Treat?

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Merry Christmas Mommy

This was a hard and wonderful year

This was a hard and wonderful year
Family for Sure

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Me and my baby!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!
...and my other baby!

"G" is for Grace!

"G" is for Grace!

Ready for Church

Ready for Church
Say Cheese

G and Me

G and Me

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

A moment of Grace

A moment of Grace

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee
Strike, Strike and Strike Again!

Backyard Fun in the Pool

Backyard Fun in the Pool
Water play wears me out!

Hammock Love

Hammock Love
Daddy's Girl...and he knows it:o)

Chillin' in Charleston

Chillin' in Charleston

My little lady is almost 2:o)

My little lady is almost 2:o)
Hi mommy!

Ready for church

Ready for church

The foreground to my background!

The foreground to my background!

Lunch with the ladies

Lunch with the ladies

A little lady takes a rest!

A little lady takes a rest!
Climbing stairs can be tiring :o)

Is it football season yet?

Is it football season yet?
A tale of two teams


Say cheese!


It's a family affair!


Daddy's baby


Hi Mommy!


Grace and Granny Rose

Barrancas National Cemetary

Barrancas National Cemetary
Grace and Patriotism

Baby Grace

Baby Grace
Isn't she lovely!

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins
The ladies!

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)
Sisters Unite!


Summer's end

Figuring it out!

Figuring it out!

a moment of Grace

a moment of Grace

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons
Mommy...more clothes than usual?

I'm still standing :o)

I'm still standing :o)
But I'll be walking soon!

Pretty in pink, duh!

Pretty in pink, duh!

I "heart you" mommy!

I "heart you" mommy!

Day one!

Day one!
I'm resting up for you world!

Sunday, October 3rd

Sunday, October 3rd
Grace and Grandpa