
Just Growing Up Beautifully!


Celebrating my niece's marriage

Big Papa

Big Papa
We don't need no stinkin' snow plow!


A family that plays (in the snow) together!



NYC trip with the girls!

NYC trip with the girls!
Sisters and Friends

Friday, December 31, 2010

Begin Again....or Just Keep Doing What You're Doing...

It's that time of year!....No really....we say that kind of thing often, but with this being the last day of 2010, it really is "that time of year".  What time, you ask?  You know, the time when we think about the year we've had, reminisce about the good and bad memories, reflect, take inventory of our lives and plan for the year to come.  It's funny, my husband and I were taking some time this afternoon to reflect and it occurred to us that this has been quite a year.  We both chuckled because we remembered saying the exact same thing a year ago.  We talked about the changes this year brought.  We talked about a couple of the things we'd like to see happen this year and how we can help them along.  After that, we rested because remembering and dreaming at the same time was enough to make us tired :o)  I know many of you are like me, in that you will not call them resolutions, but you will make a mental note of some things that you need to do differently this coming year, i.e, lose weight, go to church more often, meditate more, spend more time with the kids or your spouse, quit your vice (be it smoking, drinking, sleeping around, etc.) Hopefully some of you will do that thing that you've been waiting to do for years.  Some will go back to school, others will quit their day job and start their own business and still some will walk away from unfulfilled relationships.  There are those who will say "yes" and "no" more.  So....I have to ask....what will you do?  I know some people who just think of New Year's Day as another day in the cycle of life.  I get it!  They're doing their thing already; they're living their best life; they're in a place where they don't need to start over and they certainly don't need a "do over".  Good for them.  But, if you're not that person and you're thanking God for another chance....then I ask again....what will you do?  My momma used to say that every year has its number. What she meant was that for some, this would be their final year on this side.  Well, this year saw daddy leave this world and as I've said before, he lived a full and wonderful life.  Now, if you're blessed to see another year...I ask....what will you do?  Will you make some much needed changes in both your personal and professional lives?  Will you do that thing you've been wanting to do but lacked the courage?  Will you, to quote the late Michael Jackson, "make that change for once in your life"?  If you're already doing that thing in your life which needs to be done, I say good job.  If you're waiting, I say the time is now....seize the day, go get 'em tiger, do you....OK... you get what I'm saying.   Whether you need to begin again or simply just keep doing what you're doing, may this coming year be prosperous and filled with all the love, joy and peace your heart can hold.  Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

If you're happy and you know it say Amen!

What is happiness?  It' a question that becomes prevalent around the holidays because we put endless effort into finding that perfect gift or doing that perfect thing to make our loved ones happy.  So, can happiness be found in a box, under a tree?  Is it the grand job or great career?  Maybe it's being a spouse and a parent and doing it well.  For some, I imagine it's living conflict free; no arguments or disagreements with the people in your life.  Is it the blessing of not being homeless or hungry? Whatever your definition of happiness might be...I think you'll agree that happiness is relative!  I'm reading Terry McMillan's sequel to "Waiting to Exhale".  It's titled "Getting to Happy".   In the book, we pick up 15 years later to see what the four ladies are doing or not doing to "get to happy".  There's death, divorce, disappointment and the like, and I'm only a third of the way finished.  I imagine that they have to go through something to get something better, and in this case, that something better is "happiness".
I watched the Barbara Walters special on Oprah Winfrey the other night.  Well, in hearing Oprah talk about her life, it occurred to me that she chose her path to happiness.  When asked about kids and marriage, she was adamant that they weren't for her.  She said that she couldn't have dedicated herself to her career the way she has if she had children.  She also said if she and her longtime companion had gotten married, they'd be divorced by now.  So, you have this billionaire talking about her life and all the things she's accomplished that would easily make me and a lot of you happy; but she also talked about the things she hasn't accomplished or conquered and how she chooses not to let them define her.  Of course, her weight was one of the unconquered.  She also talked about her relationship with her parents, saying only that they were fine and that she'd been able to take care of them as they had tried to take care of her when she was younger.  There seemed to be some huge gaps relationally. But, in that interview and I imagine in Oprah's life, she gave the impression that she'd decided to be happy with her life as it is.  And what a life, right....?  Does her list of things with which to be happy far outweigh what most of us are working with?  Does having more money than you know what to do with equal happiness, or are members of the billionaire club seeking happiness in its many forms.  I know, I know....give you the money and let you find out, right!  I'm right there with you, but the point I'm making is this...each of us has our own world of happiness where we are, and it's up to us to define it for ourselves, walk in that happiness daily and look for ways to thrive.  From the fictional characters in a book to the life of a woman who seems like she'd be the poster child for happiness to each of us, the journey is quite different.  I have friends who have changed their minds about the marriage and kids they once thought were happiness.  Then, there are the friends who have changed their minds drastically about the corporate jobs that were supposed to epitomize happiness.  There are the lovers who have fallen out of love; the financially comfortable who have overspent; the healthy who've become sick; the trusted who are no longer... and so the list goes.  We have all these ideals about what happiness is, from the simplest to the most complicated.  It's when one ideal of happiness goes bad or falters that we rethink our happiness.  Well, think about it, but don't over think it.  Some will spend a lifetime seeking and searching, while others are already there and have been for a while.  And as difficult or easy as finding happiness can be I say....If you're happy and you know it say AMEN!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

It  can be anyway....I believe this time of year is like that obnoxious friend we all have...you know, the one your other friends either love or hate.  The "holiday season" is like that.  It's a tough pill to swallow for some and a series of magical moments for others.  From November to January, the madness or the magic begins.  It starts with the thought of Thanksgiving turkey and the busiest days of travel and ends with the new year as we attempt to immerse ourselves in the newness or at least the beginning of the cycle... for better or worse.  It's a busy and full time (they're not necessarily the same).  You know, the time with family, the obligatory office parties that not only require your presence but also a covered dish, the holiday music (which I happen to really enjoy by the way), the elves (you know as in Santa....where's your inner child????) the shopping and of course the Christmas pageants or retold stories of the birth of Jesus.  It can be a very difficult time, too.  You know, the time with family, the obligatory office parties....you see where that's going.  I've found it to be a little bit of both joy and pain.  It's exciting because it's Grace's first Christmas. YAY!  We've been reading "'Twas the night before Christmas" to her.  She's actually pointing to the Christmas tree when the lights come on, and she survived her first holiday party this week.  Yes, she is a bit young to "get it", but she smiles and points to the lights and that lights up my heart with ease.  We talk about the birth of Jesus and she listens with anticipation.  Joy to the world...!
I also suffer a bit of sadness each holiday season.  Mom died on the 18th of December a decade ago, and there are memories of Christmas' of old that are bitter sweet.  We still have a pajama party on Christmas Eve.  We all get new pajamas.  Like I said, it's bitter sweet.  And of course, she and daddy are together this year which makes it just a little sadder for the rest of the family.  But, we are getting together here in South Carolina.  Dale, Grace and I are looking forward to being the host family.  The Wesson holiday season opener was in Virginia with Dale's family.  Grace's first Thanksgiving...I know...enough with the whole "Grace's first....", but she's only 11months and she's full of firsts.  Anyhoo, the holidays find us all over the place as is evident in this blog entry.  The presence or absence of the holiday spirit is evident in our lives.  Our friends and family pretty much know where we stand on the issue and they don't bother us to change.  So, as difficult  or easy as it is, this may be just the 4th quarter of 2010 with no bells and whistles and no expectations from 2011....or it could be a "really wonderful time" (if the "most wonderful time" is too far reaching) of the year...and there's still time to decide.

NYC trip with the girls

NYC trip with the girls
Friends for 25+ years

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)
Family Love

Husband and Wife!

Husband and Wife!
Til Death Do We Part

Thank you God:o)

Thank you God:o)
So Blessed!


Hold the Pose :o)

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!
Choo choo!!!!


We are Family!

A New Me

A New Me
Yeah, I'm digging my new kinky twists:o)


It's Christmas Eve and I got some plats in my hair

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party
New and fast friends with Denise Williams and Shonna Williams

Good Friday!

Good Friday!

St. Simons Island

St. Simons Island
A rainy day at the beach is still a day at the beach!

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Marshmallow Anyone?!

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Hi Little Pony

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Where are the eggs?!

Happy Holidays Are Here Again

Happy Holidays Are Here Again
Let's get ready for Santa!

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA
I'm ready mommy!

Afternoon Art

Afternoon Art
Yes! Grace is Awesome!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Happy holidays are here again!


See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

Play day with Corrin

Play day with Corrin
You stopped our fun for ANOTHER picture:o) (Grace and Corrin)

Yummy Goodness

Yummy Goodness
Homemade Applesauce...YUMMY!

Christmas last year

Christmas last year
She's grown so much in a year and The blocks say it all....JOY!

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas
Who knows...

Trayvon Martin's Mother

Trayvon Martin's Mother
Sabryna Fulton, Trayvon Martin's Mother, continues to fight for justice

Date Night!

Date Night!
A Southern Girl sees Frankie Beverly for the first time!

Tea Party!

Tea Party!
All we need is our princess costumes!

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
We Are One!

Thankgiving day preps!

Thankgiving day preps!
Sifting flour like an old pro:o)


Learning early!

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun
Pumkin for candy (check)!


Grace and Tiana along for voting support!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
A little Merry Go Round with Daddy!

Sunday Best!

Sunday Best!

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)
Right there, daddy!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
In the Garden

ATL Classic

ATL Classic
My little Rattler!

Rattler Girl!

Rattler Girl!
Let's Go Rattlers!

And it's Good!

And it's Good!
Chip Away Gracie:o)

End of Summer

End of Summer
Sissy goes back to grad school

A walk in the clouds:o)

A walk in the clouds:o)
Flowers for mommy!

A school kid waiting to happen!

A school kid waiting to happen!
My Baby and my backpack!

A little beach time for Miss Grace

A little beach time for Miss Grace
Life is Just Beachy:o)

Fun times!

Fun times!

Two girls at lunch

Two girls at lunch

Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace!
Ever present!

Twinkle Toes!

Twinkle Toes!
That tickles :o)

So Hoppy!

So Hoppy!

Mother's Day at the beach

Mother's Day at the beach
The best Sand Box Ever!

It's Grace and her God Oni with Mommy

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

Let's have some fun!

Let's have some fun!
Cousin Mya ROCKS!

Team Wesson

Team Wesson
Mother's Day 2012-Amelia Island, FL

Just taking a moment

Just taking a moment
Church was good!

Post Church Excitement!

Post Church Excitement!
Jumping Bean:o)

Arms wide open!

Arms wide open!
I love you thiiiiiissssss much!

Team Mommy!

Team Mommy!
Grace is ALL in :o)

Sunday in Pensacola!

Sunday in Pensacola!
I'm ready!

Me and my Grace!

Me and my Grace!
Let's have some fun:o)

The first day of Spring!

The first day of Spring!
Sunshine..Butterflies... and flowers:o)

A new friend!

A new friend!
Grace and Jayda

Two Peas in a Pod!

Two Peas in a Pod!

A family that smiles together!

A family that smiles together!

A fashionista for sure!

A fashionista for sure!

Birthday Girl!

Birthday Girl!

Giving daddy the tickets

Giving daddy the tickets
I'm a winner!

Hello Kitty:o)

Hello Kitty:o)
A colorful morning indeed!

Sunday Cute!

Sunday Cute!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day
Starting off right!

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Under the Christmas Tree

Under the Christmas Tree


cold weather isn't going to stop me!

Daddy and Grace in Charleston

Daddy and Grace in Charleston
Oh Christmas Tree!

Me and my sissy!

Me and my sissy!
yep....we're just hanging out !

Grace and Granny Rose

Grace and Granny Rose
I'm with my Granny!

My sister did it!

My sister did it!
Smurf Grace!

SC State Fair

SC State Fair
Merry go round and family fun!

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round
Not sure how I feel about this!

My little pumpkin is growing up!

My little pumpkin is growing up!
Is candy involved in this Trunk or Treat?

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Merry Christmas Mommy

This was a hard and wonderful year

This was a hard and wonderful year
Family for Sure

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Me and my baby!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!
...and my other baby!

"G" is for Grace!

"G" is for Grace!

Ready for Church

Ready for Church
Say Cheese

G and Me

G and Me

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

A moment of Grace

A moment of Grace

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee
Strike, Strike and Strike Again!

Backyard Fun in the Pool

Backyard Fun in the Pool
Water play wears me out!

Hammock Love

Hammock Love
Daddy's Girl...and he knows it:o)

Chillin' in Charleston

Chillin' in Charleston

My little lady is almost 2:o)

My little lady is almost 2:o)
Hi mommy!

Ready for church

Ready for church

The foreground to my background!

The foreground to my background!

Lunch with the ladies

Lunch with the ladies

A little lady takes a rest!

A little lady takes a rest!
Climbing stairs can be tiring :o)

Is it football season yet?

Is it football season yet?
A tale of two teams


Say cheese!


It's a family affair!


Daddy's baby


Hi Mommy!


Grace and Granny Rose

Barrancas National Cemetary

Barrancas National Cemetary
Grace and Patriotism

Baby Grace

Baby Grace
Isn't she lovely!

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins
The ladies!

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)
Sisters Unite!


Summer's end

Figuring it out!

Figuring it out!

a moment of Grace

a moment of Grace

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons
Mommy...more clothes than usual?

I'm still standing :o)

I'm still standing :o)
But I'll be walking soon!

Pretty in pink, duh!

Pretty in pink, duh!

I "heart you" mommy!

I "heart you" mommy!

Day one!

Day one!
I'm resting up for you world!

Sunday, October 3rd

Sunday, October 3rd
Grace and Grandpa