
Just Growing Up Beautifully!


Celebrating my niece's marriage

Big Papa

Big Papa
We don't need no stinkin' snow plow!


A family that plays (in the snow) together!



NYC trip with the girls!

NYC trip with the girls!
Sisters and Friends

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And These Three Are One...

Let me just get it out of the way for my die-hard Christians...I am not talking about the Holy Trinity.  That's not this post!  With that said, let's get on with it shall we.
I flew to Pensacola this past weekend on Delta Airlines, and as I usually do when I fly Delta, I read the airlines "Sky" magazine. Sting, the musical artist, was on the cover.  Well, Sting was talking about his longevity in the music industry.  He talked about being able to do the job of a 25 year old at the age of 59 and how it was "...a choice...it takes discipline."  He suggested that for him, the discipline comes through the mind, body and spirit being one.  Now, Sting has done yoga for more than 20 years and is a Yogi (as a result). For him it was more about "the body achieving its fullest potential and movement" and how the body can't do that if the mind "won't surrender." I like it!  Of course, the spirit is essential for the well-being of the other two.   So, I started to think about my life and how there are times when, if one of these is off, then the others are thrown off very easily.  When I'm not having my daily quiet time of prayer and scripture and journaling, my day tends to be less centered and is more of a free for all.  When I don't take a mental inventory of the things that are going on and prioritize them and go through the important versus urgent check list, my life is less centered.  Consequently, that can find me eating more which leads to the physical being off center as well.  As a result, pain and discomfort manifest itself not just emotionally and psychologically, but also physically.  I know...it all sounds a bit metaphysical and new age but that's not my intent. Not to mention, this is not so much new information as it is a reminder.   I'm simply trying to be the best "me" I can be, and if a part of that is maintaining a healthy spiritual, mental and physical base, then I'm for it. 
Admittedly, I haven't done that lately.  Fortunately, I'm back on the metaphorical horse, but I've suffered because of the initial fall.  I think back over the last several months, and it's been a whirl wind...A new baby; the end of a chapter in my career;  moving...wait....packing then moving...then unpacking; not yet having a church home; not knowing anyone in my new city; the death of my father; grieving the death of my father...ok...you get it.  A lot has been going on! Now, my full life is no busier than most,  but for me, the way I handle it makes all the difference.  Not to my surprise, the magazine (obviously a wellness issue), had articles  written by people who'd visited several different wellness resorts.  The resorts were in Tuscon, Arizona; Rishikesh, India; Maui, Hawaii; and Blue Morpho, Peru. Reading the articles made me consider that if all around the world there are resorts with staff and programs dedicated to the merging of the mind, body and spirit, then surely I could consider (or reconsider) it in my space.  "Look within"...."set your intentions"..."take the leap"..."check in for spiritual rehab"...All of these were headlines, so to speak, for what the resorts were offering.  Well, I'm not in an exotic location (at least I don't think so :o), but I plan to explore my own wellness right here in Columbia, South Carolina....mind, body and spirit...and these three are one.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The weight is over...

 It's time for me to pay the piper.  I've been running/jogging for 13 years, and during that time, I've been constantly reminded of how bad running can be for your knees.  Well, my knees hurt...now, earlier today and probably later, too.  Now in all fairness, I have to say I don't believe it's just the running in my case.  I weigh more now than I have in ten years, I had a baby 10 months ago (and I dare not talk about fat pockets that seemed to have multiplied since that experience) and the mother of all my reasons (excuses...whatever)...I'm ten years older (GASP).  Having said all of that and given myself plenty of room to get off the hook, I know I  have to get some of this weight off instead.  In the spirit of full disclosure (or maybe partial disclosure), I can't walk into the stores like I once could and just get that cute top on sale because it's sure to fit.  Nope, I'm having to look for cute clothes again and pay more money ...perhaps for more material (SIGH).  I'm also finding more clothes in my closet that don't fit! And my knees hurt!!!  So, as Donna Joyner said this morning in my Body Gospel workout, I'm going to succeed on purpose.  I know, I know....I have to once again live committed to a lifestyle of fitness.  You know, back to a time when I exercised at least 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day; said no to mayonnaise and cheese; wrote down what I put in my mouth; and enjoyed less red wine.  Ahhhh, days of old when my knees didn't hurt and my favorite jeans fit....oh how I  miss thee...but don't worry, we'll be together again.  I remember when I lost over 80 pounds ten years ago, it was because I wanted a career on TV ( and you know what they say about the camera).  Well, I still want a career on TV, but I also want to feel better physically and, on some level, emotionally.  Granted, I'm not carrying around the weight of the world.  I realize it's all relative in terms of fat, skinny and the like.  But, I am carrying around extra weight that amounts to the size of a young child... and that kid has to go!  My husband is supportive and even doing his own thing to live a healthier life (YAY Dale!).  So, here's the part where I invite you to get on the bandwagon with me.  Start your workouts and your healthy eating today!  I know we tend to wait when it comes to starting the things that seem huge to accomplish but....if you're like me, you don't have a choice, and  the weight is over!

Sidenote:  I'd love to hear from you if you are or have been in this struggle.  Let me know what works best for you or just leave a word or encouragement.  LET'S DO IT on three....one, two, three...."LET'S DO IT!"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Just treats....is that okay?

So, I've been planning to write all day and Grace's first nap was a wee one and well...you know...where does the time go.?!  Anyhoo...yesterday, Grace experienced her first All Saints Eve or Halloween, as it's more commonly called, (and as it will be referred to for the purposes of this entry).  I got a variety of feedback as it pertains to observing Halloween.  I got..."Grace is doing Halloween?", and there were several statements of "I don't do Halloween".  I don't think anyone meant to suggest that we were doing something wrong (at least I hope not) by dressing up Grace in a cute tutu  that her Granny Rose sent her.  I hope not!  I mean, as a Christian ( and here's the rub), I get the implication of Halloween.  There's supposedly this thin line between this and other worlds, and it allows spirits (good and bad) to come forth.  That even sounds wicked and certainly not like something I would let my 9 month old daughter participate in, right?  But what about the candy (that she can't even eat), or the cute little tutu (that her grandmother bought her) or the cute little kids who ring the door bell dressed up in all manner of costumes...most of which are more adorable than anything else?  What about the fact that I was allowed by my parents to dress up and go out at night, scared out of my mind, and knock on doors for candy or whatever other treats might come my way?  To that some have said, when you know better, you must do better.  I agree wholeheartedly.  I'm more interested in Harvest Festivals or Fall Carnivals or All Saints' Eve Days.  I seek out the pumpkin patches and hay rides and fun and games with hot chocolate.  But I also wanted Grace to dress up and take a picture on what was her first Halloween.  Her older sister is even picking out next year's costume (Tiana it is), should Grace continue to "do Halloween".  Well, she didn't go door to door; mostly because it would have been more work for me and we have a limited selection of neighbors.  But she did experience Halloween so say the pictures.  Sidenote:  see her cute pictures below.   I turned out ok (I think :o), and I experienced Halloween for many years.  And the truth of the matter is, she, as we all do, will make her own choice when she's of age.  Heaven forbid I should be a grandmother someday and Grace finds herself in my shoes (GASP).  In any case, this year, I'm the mommy and Grace had a Halloween with just treats....and that's okay with me! 

NYC trip with the girls

NYC trip with the girls
Friends for 25+ years

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)

The Gangs All Here (on the Eastern Shore:o)
Family Love

Husband and Wife!

Husband and Wife!
Til Death Do We Part

Thank you God:o)

Thank you God:o)
So Blessed!


Hold the Pose :o)

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!

Grace and her cousins, William-Tyler and Mya!
Choo choo!!!!


We are Family!

A New Me

A New Me
Yeah, I'm digging my new kinky twists:o)


It's Christmas Eve and I got some plats in my hair

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party

DW Headquarters and JAAS Jewelry Christmas Party
New and fast friends with Denise Williams and Shonna Williams

Good Friday!

Good Friday!

St. Simons Island

St. Simons Island
A rainy day at the beach is still a day at the beach!

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights Before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Marshmallow Anyone?!

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo

Lights before Christmas at the Riverbanks Zoo
Hi Little Pony

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Where are the eggs?!

Happy Holidays Are Here Again

Happy Holidays Are Here Again
Let's get ready for Santa!

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA

A lovely spring day in Atlanta, GA
I'm ready mommy!

Afternoon Art

Afternoon Art
Yes! Grace is Awesome!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Happy holidays are here again!


See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

Play day with Corrin

Play day with Corrin
You stopped our fun for ANOTHER picture:o) (Grace and Corrin)

Yummy Goodness

Yummy Goodness
Homemade Applesauce...YUMMY!

Christmas last year

Christmas last year
She's grown so much in a year and The blocks say it all....JOY!

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas

Halloween meets a Charlie Brown Christmas
Who knows...

Trayvon Martin's Mother

Trayvon Martin's Mother
Sabryna Fulton, Trayvon Martin's Mother, continues to fight for justice

Date Night!

Date Night!
A Southern Girl sees Frankie Beverly for the first time!

Tea Party!

Tea Party!
All we need is our princess costumes!

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly

Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
We Are One!

Thankgiving day preps!

Thankgiving day preps!
Sifting flour like an old pro:o)


Learning early!

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun

YMCA Trunk or Treat Fun
Pumkin for candy (check)!


Grace and Tiana along for voting support!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
A little Merry Go Round with Daddy!

Sunday Best!

Sunday Best!

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)

My pumpkins decorating the pumpkins:o)
Right there, daddy!

SC State Fair 2012

SC State Fair 2012
In the Garden

ATL Classic

ATL Classic
My little Rattler!

Rattler Girl!

Rattler Girl!
Let's Go Rattlers!

And it's Good!

And it's Good!
Chip Away Gracie:o)

End of Summer

End of Summer
Sissy goes back to grad school

A walk in the clouds:o)

A walk in the clouds:o)
Flowers for mommy!

A school kid waiting to happen!

A school kid waiting to happen!
My Baby and my backpack!

A little beach time for Miss Grace

A little beach time for Miss Grace
Life is Just Beachy:o)

Fun times!

Fun times!

Two girls at lunch

Two girls at lunch

Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace!
Ever present!

Twinkle Toes!

Twinkle Toes!
That tickles :o)

So Hoppy!

So Hoppy!

Mother's Day at the beach

Mother's Day at the beach
The best Sand Box Ever!

It's Grace and her God Oni with Mommy

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

A little Daddy/Daughter time!

Let's have some fun!

Let's have some fun!
Cousin Mya ROCKS!

Team Wesson

Team Wesson
Mother's Day 2012-Amelia Island, FL

Just taking a moment

Just taking a moment
Church was good!

Post Church Excitement!

Post Church Excitement!
Jumping Bean:o)

Arms wide open!

Arms wide open!
I love you thiiiiiissssss much!

Team Mommy!

Team Mommy!
Grace is ALL in :o)

Sunday in Pensacola!

Sunday in Pensacola!
I'm ready!

Me and my Grace!

Me and my Grace!
Let's have some fun:o)

The first day of Spring!

The first day of Spring!
Sunshine..Butterflies... and flowers:o)

A new friend!

A new friend!
Grace and Jayda

Two Peas in a Pod!

Two Peas in a Pod!

A family that smiles together!

A family that smiles together!

A fashionista for sure!

A fashionista for sure!

Birthday Girl!

Birthday Girl!

Giving daddy the tickets

Giving daddy the tickets
I'm a winner!

Hello Kitty:o)

Hello Kitty:o)
A colorful morning indeed!

Sunday Cute!

Sunday Cute!

New Year's Day

New Year's Day
Starting off right!

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Walls/Williams/Wesson Christmas 2011 in Williamsburg, VA

Under the Christmas Tree

Under the Christmas Tree


cold weather isn't going to stop me!

Daddy and Grace in Charleston

Daddy and Grace in Charleston
Oh Christmas Tree!

Me and my sissy!

Me and my sissy!
yep....we're just hanging out !

Grace and Granny Rose

Grace and Granny Rose
I'm with my Granny!

My sister did it!

My sister did it!
Smurf Grace!

SC State Fair

SC State Fair
Merry go round and family fun!

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round
Not sure how I feel about this!

My little pumpkin is growing up!

My little pumpkin is growing up!
Is candy involved in this Trunk or Treat?

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Merry Christmas Mommy

This was a hard and wonderful year

This was a hard and wonderful year
Family for Sure

This was a hard and wonderful year!

This was a hard and wonderful year!
Me and my baby!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!

This has been a hard and wonderful year!
...and my other baby!

"G" is for Grace!

"G" is for Grace!

Ready for Church

Ready for Church
Say Cheese

G and Me

G and Me

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

Always have a dream in the picture;o)

A moment of Grace

A moment of Grace

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee

Grace at Homecoming in Tallahassee
Strike, Strike and Strike Again!

Backyard Fun in the Pool

Backyard Fun in the Pool
Water play wears me out!

Hammock Love

Hammock Love
Daddy's Girl...and he knows it:o)

Chillin' in Charleston

Chillin' in Charleston

My little lady is almost 2:o)

My little lady is almost 2:o)
Hi mommy!

Ready for church

Ready for church

The foreground to my background!

The foreground to my background!

Lunch with the ladies

Lunch with the ladies

A little lady takes a rest!

A little lady takes a rest!
Climbing stairs can be tiring :o)

Is it football season yet?

Is it football season yet?
A tale of two teams


Say cheese!


It's a family affair!


Daddy's baby


Hi Mommy!


Grace and Granny Rose

Barrancas National Cemetary

Barrancas National Cemetary
Grace and Patriotism

Baby Grace

Baby Grace
Isn't she lovely!

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins

Sisters, Nieces and Cousins
The ladies!

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)

Galen's College Graduation (FAMU)
Sisters Unite!


Summer's end

Figuring it out!

Figuring it out!

a moment of Grace

a moment of Grace

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons
Mommy...more clothes than usual?

I'm still standing :o)

I'm still standing :o)
But I'll be walking soon!

Pretty in pink, duh!

Pretty in pink, duh!

I "heart you" mommy!

I "heart you" mommy!

Day one!

Day one!
I'm resting up for you world!

Sunday, October 3rd

Sunday, October 3rd
Grace and Grandpa